Harmadévente megjelenő építészeti folyóirat – HU ISSN 1588-0109

Kóródy Anna: Continuity and Renewal – The frontiers of Heritage Protection and Contemporary Architecture in Spain

The connection points of built heritage and contemporary architecture are demonstrably coming to the foreground of the attention of international architecture during the recent decades. The expansion of the concept of built heritage (the revaluation of local values and the remains of recent history) has led to a subjective restratification of the relics and to an architectural-
methodological differentiation of interventions. Consequently, the rehabilitation of heritage, the meeting of old and new architecture is a field that accomplished to be an independent category of contemporary architecture during the past decades. The doctoral research presented in the article outlines the basis of the metamorphosis of heritage protection by the help of examination of foreign processes, and it illustrates the tendencies of building rehabilitation focusing on a well definable territory (Spain) and period (from 1992 until today).

Kulcsszavak: built heritage · contemporary · architecture · rehabilitation · Spanish architecture

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