Harmadévente megjelenő építészeti folyóirat – HU ISSN 1588-0109

Baku Eszter: Theory and Practice – Protestant Church Architecture between the Two World Wars

In recent decades, increasingly strong efforts can be observed in the research and understanding of Hungarian architecture in the Interwar period. In terms of volume, church architecture has a significant stock of monuments or memories from that era. However, one can hardly draw a complete picture of the various denominations’ church architecture activities, because research has followed mainly a stylistic approach so far. In this historically charged era, church buildings emerged as major identity-shaping forces for the Protestant denominations, for new congregations that were developed by the church districts rearranging with the changing country borders and by the urbanization of city peripheries. The study attempts to present the Protestant church building activity of the period by examining the church architectural theories of the two largest Protestant denominations, the Reformed and Lutheran Church, thus providing a sort of typological approach.

Kulcsszavak: church architecture, Protestant typology, architecture in the Interwar period, architectural theory

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