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often-mentioned examples as the structure of Aladár since the change of regime, and establishes the scien-
and Bertalan Árkay’s Votive Church in Mohács, or tific grounds of creating a similar monograph about
the reinforced concrete shell of Farkas Molnár’s un- the church architecture of the Roman Catholic Church
finished work of the Hungarian Holy Land Church. in the last quarter of a century.
The engineering approach of the church architecture in
the era offers such a new kind of attitude, even in case
of churches that are not qualified as modern on style 5. RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE
critical basis, which aims to set up a new chronology – FROM ONE-TO-ONE SURVEYS
and reinterpret the building stock. This is comple- TO COMMUNITY WORK
mented with exploring the operation of church organ-
izations influencing liturgy and church architecture. The background institute of the project is the
The comprehensive research gives opportunity for Department of History of Architecture and Monument
the more precise positioning of individual creative ca- Preservation of the Faculty of Architecture of the
reers. Mostly our post-Second World War architecture Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
hides such personalities whose life work and activi- which has a long history of research projects. The par-
ty in the field of church architecture could not only ticipants of the basic research are faculty members,
give a more detailed picture about the engineers’ life, doctoral students and undergraduates, all associated
but also affects the characteristics and cultural envi- with the department, whose research topics cover dif-
ronment of the building activity of the time. Getting ferent periods of sacred architecture. The profession-
familiar with the work of Bertalan Árkay, who is rec- al experience of the lecturers of the department, the
ognized for the co-design of the church of Városmajor chief researcher and one of the senior researchers
(the milestone of the Hungarian modern church archi- is fundamentally important regarding the outcome of
tecture), could thus become complete, and the crea- the project, while the current PhD student contrib-
tions of László Csaba, István Szabó and Ferenc Török utes to the success of the basic research with deep-
may get into a richer evaluation environment. ening the research areas, managing the tasks of the
The approach overviewing the church architecture students, extending the database with comprehensive
of the second half of the 20 century, comparing its and field researches.
tendencies with the periods of the Hungarian history
of architecture after the 1950s may provide a similar-
ly valuable exploration. The comparative evaluation,
still coming up as a hiatus in the domestic architec-
tural historiographies, places this type of function,
too, in the period lasting till the change of regime,
thereby provides an opportunity for connection with
the trends in the two decades of the turn of the millen-
nium. Here it directly relates to the analyst research-
es of the evangelical and reformed churches built
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