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re-established a formal relationship with the Vatican) rely on the architectural results of the antecedents
the domestic church building activities expanded, its built in historic styles, but concentrate on the prac-
qualitative features improved on a general level. The tice appearing in the church building of the modern
change of regime may be less decisive in this point of architectural movement starting off in the 1930s. The
view: the records increase in number, but the propor- structural system of the buildings, the aesthetic de-
tion of high-quality buildings decrease. As an exten- mands of shaping, the rational and symbolic forming
sion of our hypothesis we can state that despite of the of space organization and mass composition can be
diverse turns of the historic background and the rapid detected even in the very fast changes of architectural
change of architectural trends, the second period de- style periods. The target group of the examination that
fined from the 1950s is considered to be steady. The covers an approximately 70-year period gives suffi-
modern architectural monuments having significant cient objects for synthesizing examinations – defining
qualities provide a broad base of the research. the typical groups and understanding the trend chang-
Proving the research hypothesis regarding the es more thoroughly.
period 1930–2000 of our national architecture can The methodology of the research focuses on the sa-
show the integration of the results that appeared cred buildings constructed in the specified time limits
due to the engineering and artistic development of as a primary source. In the first phase of the research,
modern architecture to the church architecture, that the aim is to create a database that takes the Roman
draws an international comparison and highlights Catholic church architecture of a century into account
its specialties mainly according to the peculiar cul- regardless of style. Already being a stopgap itself, the
tural-social environment of the second half of the photographic overview catalogue serves as the starting
century. Thus, through these well definable records, point of the examination based on further systematic
it leads to the understanding of the processes of ar- researches in mostly archives and public collections.
chitecture in a broader sense. Beyond the theoretical Under the guidance of the chief researcher universi-
embeddedness relating to engineering sciences, it re- ty students cooperate in the creation of the database.
lates to the present trends of historiography. The ex- The detailed, thorough collection research is ensured
amination of church architecture of the 20 century by including PhD students and an outside archivist.
Roman Catholic Church provides a guideline for the In parallel with this, the systematic research of those
evaluating analysis of the contemporary architectur- buildings that have a key importance in the cognition
al processes through the more thorough recognition and implementation of modern architecture and in-
of the records already treated as traditions of modern ternational modern on a base of whether structural or
architecture. 12 style criticism, is already going on at this early stage.
The next level of the research is to designate the
building stock that will be the subject of a narrower
3. THE METHODOLOGY OF THE analysis. The architectural framework and a more
PROJECT – COOPERATION BETWEEN detailed description of those churches that are con-
THE SCIENTIFIC LEVELS sidered to be the most significant are completed with
the involvement of university students, as well as the
The examined scope of monuments are more than determination of their place in the history of archi-
a hundred buildings created by the 20 century church tecture. The monograph-like case studies about some
constructions of the Roman Catholic Church – but be- churches that represent outstanding architectural val-
yond the exploratory, data collecting basic research, ue could form a more proper picture about the prac-
the goal is to examine particularly the style tendencies tice of an era through the deeper cognition of a given
of modern architecture. The defined records naturally
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oppression – Case study of the Hungarian Catholic Church
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Architecture in Hungary on the Millennium. In: Aschner, Juan 14 International DoCoMoMo Conference – Adaptive Reuse.
Pablo (ed.): UIA 2011 TOKYO Academic Program: Research DoCoMoMo International, Lisbon 2016. 576–581.; Vukoszávlyev,
Papers and Design Works. Japan Institute of Architects, Tokyo Zorán: Perception of Latin America’s church architecture in the
2011. 276–280.; Vukoszávlyev, Zorán: Contemporary Hungarian time of II Vatican Council – Studies from East-Central Europe.
Church-Architecture – Re-interpretation of a broken tradition on (La percepción de la arquitectura eclesial latinoamericana en la
the turn of the millenium. In: Fernández-Cobián, Esteban (ed.): época del Concilio Vaticano II. – Estudios desde la Europa centro-
Between Concept and Identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, oriental.) Actas del Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura
Newcastle upon Tyne 2014. 133–142. Religiosa Contemporánea IV. (2015) 46–53.
136 · Architectura Hungariae 16 (2017) 4