Page 2 - AH_vol16_no4_pp133-144_VukoszavlyevBakuUrban
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1. SCIENTIFIC AND HISTORICAL the architectural attitude characterized as conserva-
BACKGROUND – MODERNISM IN tive – basically devoted to historic styles – remains
HUNGARIAN CHURCH ARCHITECTURE of course, but spreading and acceptance of modern
FROM MID-WAR PERIOD TO architecture increase during the two decades up to the
THE DEMOCRATIC CHANGE middle of the century. Due to the cooperation of the
state and church the construction activity expanded
The presentation of the church-building activity with the representation of modern architecture. 6
of the most significant Hungarian Church is known The tendency changes can be related to the peri-
thorough historiographies of architecture. However, od changes of the Hungarian architecture after 1945
in the disintegrating style categories of the period (with the exception of the short-lived period of social-
starting from the turn of the century, the discussion of ist realism) – as its entirety can be related to social
the records is not unified. It is pushed into the back- changes (often under politically directed cultural su-
ground because of both quantitative and qualitative pervisory). In the second half of the 20 century, the
predominance of the many building types. It remains strengthening Hungarian building industry followed
to be handled as a separate category, and is still treat- the international trends more and more: structural
ed with special importance through its unique works construction developed rapidly, therefore a great-
that represent the progressive side of the period be- er emphasis was put on engineering aesthetics, and
tween the two world wars, but its more complete the development of the profane field also appeared in
analysis and synthesizing evaluation of its place in church architecture – which was still alive despite of
the era fall behind from the 1920s. The trends ap- the anticlerical circumstances – thus continuing the
pearing at the end of the decade prefer not to use the processes of the first half of the century. 7
classical form of expression. The progressive direc- Researches of the last two decades pointed out that
tion represented mainly by the Catholic Church has we can drop the axiom of not having church architec-
a major role in the spread of modern architecture in ture in Hungary for 40 years. Although the number
Hungary (the same change can be experienced in case of church constructions has been very low compared
of smaller churches), which is based on the broaden- to the first half of the century, maybe just because of
ing of cultural relationships (particularly Italian and this the characteristics of modern Hungarian history
German orientation) of the time. In addition to the of architecture appear far more sharply in case of the
first modern churches that appeared in the 1930s, small number of established churches. A scientifi-
cally deep, comprehensive analysis of the Hungarian
church architecture of the post-Second World War pe-
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