Page 16 - AH_vol16_no3_pp81-96_CsakurdaSzabo
P. 16


            01–02, 12–22   Fotó: Halmos Balázs, Marótzy Katalin, 2017
            03             Tarnóczky Attila gyűjtése a nagykanizsai Thúry György Múzeum anyagából.
                  [Megtekintve: 2017.10.29.]
            04             Tarnóczky Attila gyűjtése, eredeti forrás: ismeretlen.
                           A kép forrása: [Megtekintve: 2017.10.27.]
            05             Tarnóczky Attila gyűjtése, eredetileg az jelent meg Ketting Klára 1940-es felvételeként.
                  [Megtekintve: 2017.10.27.]
            06–07, 10–11   A nagykanizsai felmérőtábor anyaga, 2017
            08–09, 23–24   Modell és grafika: Csakurda Zoltán, Szabó Péter Bálint, 2017


            Harmadéves építészhallgató a BME Építészmérnöki Karán.


            Harmadéves építészhallgató a BME Építészmérnöki Karán.


            Historical analysis of the windows of the Franciscan Monastery in Nagykanizsa

            The importance of windows of historical monuments is often underrated. In case of residential houses se-
            veral examples can be seen where the user’s personal taste or demand is overwriting the original architec-
            tural concept. Also at bigger renovations  the window is usually the first element to be changed as it doesn’t
            meet the newest constructional or environmental demands and their revitalization wouldn’t be cost-effiecient.
            Accordingly, during the analisys of facades we tend to draw the conclusion from the primary and secondary
            historical forms only, such as entablatures and stone frames, but ignore the structure of the windows. However
            they are important representatives of their age. With the help of their research we can gather countless inter-
            esting pieces of information on the history of the building as well. It is particularly true for the Franciscan
            monastery of Nagykanizsa. The building – constructed in the 18th century - has served several functions
            throughout history such as public library and high school dormitory.  Luckily it kept its original structure, and
            nature. After examining the doors and windows, particular structural solutions, details turned out to be paradox
            in the aspect of dating. In this paper we would like to dissolve these antinomies, and define the chronology of
            the windows’ structural elements. In a wider sense we might be able to get closer to the building’s history. The
            subject is topical because the renovation of the monastery will start in the near future, which will supposedely
            change the image of the windows, that is why our essay would like to serve as a kind of a guardian of these va-
            lues. In the summer of 2017 we participated at a fieldwork in Nagykanizsa, where we did the documentation of
            the cabinets, doors and windows, which charges as a base for our following research. In addition we also used
            summaries on window structures in general, literature on the history of the city, and collections of architectural
            figures from the 19  and 20  century.
            Keywords: Nagykanizsa · Franciscan monastery · historical doors and windows · research without destruction
            · chronology

            96 · Architectura Hungariae 16 (2017) 3
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